Friday, July 11, 2008

Relaxing, Healing, and Floating on Waves

As a patient undergoing chemo, I am growing everyday in the understanding that:
This is such a mental healing process.

I don't mean it makes you nuts. I mean this puts you to the test on mental endurance. If you let it, it can become the greatest teacher.

My degree is in Health Pyschology. So I get to bring to the table my understanding of stress on the immune system, but also the benefits of relaxation on amping up the immune system. I used to remember those tiny details, like neurotransmitters involved, but chemo body has redirected detailed oriented energy to healing deeply. But in the end, it doesn't matter if I remember the details, it just works if you do it.

It is such a benefit to have practiced BEFORE disease hits, how to relax and kick up those healing hormones!

I seem to have a 2:00am, wake up call going on now. I am learning to use that time to do some form of energy smoothing. Frayed nerves are the norm here. I imagine it is because they are getting inundated with new chemicals and are therefore "hyper" feeling to me.

So, in that 2:00 am space I use two things to calm the nerves. One is meditation, guided imagery, or imagining all those healing prayers sinking deep into my tissues and repairing what needs help. If I am anxious (yes, I am anxious often now!), I move on to #2. I watch something that makes me laugh for 20 minutes, and back off to sleep I go. ;)

I love, love, love, all the healing thoughts, prayers, vibes, you are sending my way. I soak it in. It is my lesson here. To receive. It has always been hard to receive for me. I am learning it, but relishing in the fact that somewhere on this earth, there is someone with the thoughts "Let Jenna receive healing" being beamed my way. When I feel to scared,foggy, or weak too remember for myself, I fall back into the energy that is holding me buoyant above the waves. And I relax into it and let it just hold me.

Can't say thank you enough,

Here is a description of the image above. CLICK on the image to see more of their work. (I LOVE this kind of "science" art). Andreas Schjønhaug and KristofferStenersen are Master of Science students at NTNU in Trondhelm, Norway who apply science to the making of art. Based on an algorithm created by Paul Hough in 1962, their
Hough Waves are photographic prints that elegantly express symmetry and structure. Prints are available for order on their site in a variety of sizes as a single image or broken in to triptychs.

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