Saturday, September 5, 2009

Making the Move

I am making the move to a wonderful Seattle neighborhood in the a.m. Very excited. VERY sore. But tomorrow I have help. We are going to rock it out and get it done.

This has been the MOST challenging time in my life. I have had to dig deeper than I ever thought. I have had to face fears and had no one to lean on, and got through. I FELT the prayer support today totally kick my anixety out the door, and I became JOYFUL and assured this is the best move for us to heal.

I look foward to resting finallllllllllllllllllllly after three long months of going going going. I mean washing dishes when my bones HURT LIKE HELL, and exhaustion had me wanting to sleep, but I had to stay awake for my daughter. I learned new depths of faith, and fear, and overcoming.

I will be offline for a week or so while I rest, go to a Choir Retreat (what.....three days W/O my DAUGHTER!) and a group of phenomoneal healing people to sing sing sing away the saddness, grief, pain, fear, of the summer. Cannot wait. ;) I LOVED singing in choir this week. It so lifted me up and raised my energy and spirit.

Lots of new new new. Happy transition to fall everyone! See you in a couple of weeks!

1 comment:

MiMi said...

Glad to hear the day got better!!
Joy on you and don't forget to start the day with a dance in the Spirit.
Remember His eye is on the sparrow and I know He watches over you!!
From the Heart
Because He Lives Mom.