Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Part Two Giving

So, part two about Giving.

This summer has been so healing because a very kind couple donated enough to cover the cost of in-home help for Bug/myself for the summer. Just 24 hours a week made the differences between extreme stress and balance. Just enough help, not too much help.

I know from talking to some of you, our situation surprises you, despite reading the blog. So I will explain.

I have tumors in my bones. This has been extremely painful and building since January. For months I thought, "I must have hurt a legiment in my hips doing yoga." or "I feel like I am going to fall on the floor and turn into a puddle...what is going on?". It ended in May with me going for help. I would sneeze, and end up on the floor cussing in pain. It got to the point where I had to lift my leg with my hands and get in into the car, the pain of lifting my own leg was unbearble. And I am one tough cookie.

I have two vetabrae with tumors in them. I had to stop lifting things as to not lose them.

Add in pain meds and chemo. I became pretty unable to do much for a long time there. Most mamma duties (like doing dishes) were too much.

So we needed help. And just in time. We were falling apart at the seams around here with me being able to take Bug to school, do dishes. Jim has been incredible. But still, no one can do that much.

When Becky started, life became centered again. She lets me do what I can, and then steps in where I can't. On days I can do more, I do. Last week, she came to help me through the 104.5 degree fever that had me unable to even sit up or roll over in my bed. Today, I feel great and she will do the running errands and lettting me read to Bug.

I say all of this because Becky is leaving. She is a teacher, and it is almost school time. We need another helper as I heal and literally get back on my feet.

Here is the issue. The money for new help is not there. And of course, the chemo bills, and scan bills are pouring in. On average, this adds at least another full time job per week to just cover the cost of childcare and medical care. Yet, I can't work (I am plotting and looking into what I could do from home......any ideas! Send them my way!!!!!)

How can you help? I hear panic. Feel the pulse increase. Stress. EEK! Stop that. Now.

Calmness and thoughtfulness get us through.

I can think of two things. I am going to add a "Donate" button to my blog. If you are friend, and want to help, you could do it through paypal. If you are a stranger to me, and find this blog inspiring, you could donate that way as well. I am working on the technicalities of that this week and hope to have it working by Thurs. I am also thinking of ways to say "Thank you" in return. I may post artwork I have done, and allow you to download it and use it as you wish. I am not sure, but I am simmering some ideas.

Any donated money will ONLY go to childcare/medical expense. Chemo alone is running us $1500 out of our pocket EACH WEEK. I am not going to panic. But it is a real issue and I know I/we can come up with some ideas on how to make sure we don't become one of those "They lost everything when cancer hit" stories. AH! Eeek! hehehehe. Not going to happen.

So, it is time to roll up those sleeves and think outside the box. Let's get creative! I know times are tight. But even 10 will add up to cover an $120 perscription.

So....do you:

Have the energy to do a fundraiser? Large to small? Some ideas:
  • Host a dinner party, and charge a cover fee. Make the sum a donate to help!
  • Have artwork or a handicraft you could donate to an online auction? The donation could help!
  • Have a business where, a very small percentage of sales on one item would go to help.
  • I know one friend is arranging a Yard Sale to create a donation.
  • Do you have a church that you could create a fundraiser through?
  • Are you a fundraising guru, and would like to talk? Give me a ring!
  • Want to hold a theme party and charge a cover? Give me a ring!
  • One famous CancerGirl was a DJ, and did a music showcase, all proceeds help cover help medical expenses.

Think outside the box. Get creative. I would do more of this myself, but really do have limited/unpredictable energy right now. But I have done them in the past. And nothing beats the rush of fundraising for a good cause. It is really fun, and a great challenge.

But I do need help. YOUR help. I am generating ideas on my end on what we can do in a variety of scenarios.
(the segment below has been modified from it's original numbers! These new numbers are lower and more accurate!)
So, the goal, cover childcare and some medical expenses for the rest of the year.
Childcare/in home care as need: $1000 month.
Chemo/medical expense: $1,200 a month.

This is beyond figuring it out solo. So, I reach out. To you. All of you, and ask that we see that communities of people are there for each other. Life isn't solo. Let's do this thing ;)

Much thanks, much appreciation, much love

1 comment:

MiMi said...

Hey Sweetie,
Now this is something we can work with at this end.
Working on designing a quilt, friends will put blocks together and we will auction it off!!
Color suggestions anyone??
Something to warm up on those cool, damp evenings out there in the West Coast......
Lots of love and material....
love you the mostest,