Sunday, September 27, 2009

I sang like there was no tomorrow


It was so awesome. I left feeling radiate. Singing with the Choir of Light.


Just going to go bask in the glow and let those tumor markers fall fall fall some more. :)


Monday, September 21, 2009

And the Tumor Markers go....

down down down.....despite them only hoping the slow down. They WENT down.

ah ha ha!

Now I have some flu. No chemo....and I get a stomach flu.

can I grumble? grumble grumble grumble....


Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Still Here

Still here and settling into our new place. Plum trees are dropping buckets off plums. All day long I hear squirrels making a ruckus and the thump thump thump of plums outside my window. Trains and boats blowing there horns fill there air sporatically, and neighborhood kids voices carry through the urban suburban backyards.

Chemo today. Nothing new, feel like one of those bags of fluids they give me to help offset the side effects of the chemo.

Getting change of address forms, choir rehearsals (gospel with Eddie Watkins Jr....sweeeeeet), and the sweet coccoon of our new home wraps me up and let's me just relax into the newness of it all.

That's the update. For now. ;)


Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Meet Fritzi & Amy

Soma has done a phenomenal job raising funds. And she is hoping to not walk alone. Therefore, I am adding a link to a teammates fundraising for the DC Rack Pack. Help Soma not walk alone, raise funds to find out why Herceptin isn't working alone for me, and I need a miracle drug.... (sorry to plant that little bomb in the middle there)....and find me my miracle drug ;)

Fritizi's Fundraising for the 3-Day walk. She is ALMOST there...get her there!

Help Amy! That is her on the left and me on the right in our looks like, middle school days. :)

Here is the DC Rack Pack 3 Day Susan G Komen Walk Page....and if anyone knows why to find Marty. please let me know!

Go, donate, support, love,

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Making the Move

I am making the move to a wonderful Seattle neighborhood in the a.m. Very excited. VERY sore. But tomorrow I have help. We are going to rock it out and get it done.

This has been the MOST challenging time in my life. I have had to dig deeper than I ever thought. I have had to face fears and had no one to lean on, and got through. I FELT the prayer support today totally kick my anixety out the door, and I became JOYFUL and assured this is the best move for us to heal.

I look foward to resting finallllllllllllllllllllly after three long months of going going going. I mean washing dishes when my bones HURT LIKE HELL, and exhaustion had me wanting to sleep, but I had to stay awake for my daughter. I learned new depths of faith, and fear, and overcoming.

I will be offline for a week or so while I rest, go to a Choir Retreat (what.....three days W/O my DAUGHTER!) and a group of phenomoneal healing people to sing sing sing away the saddness, grief, pain, fear, of the summer. Cannot wait. ;) I LOVED singing in choir this week. It so lifted me up and raised my energy and spirit.

Lots of new new new. Happy transition to fall everyone! See you in a couple of weeks!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

The Cancer Smancher Soundtrack Review

So much good music keeps me going. Really NOTHING ELSE can help me pull out of a tailspin like music can. I play piano, wooden flute, skin drums, lyre, anything. I hear music my head, and I turn it on and almost no matter what pain ails me, something moves in my body. So, while I am in transition in our new life, new home, new way of being in the world and dealing with all of its stresses and its joys, I am doing a review of all the music of the past year I have brought to this site. ENJOY!

I am moving. And on chemo. And I could REALLY use some homemade chicken soup (gf) to get us through this week. My stomach, very sensetive, and this special dish always always always heals and give me energy. But I am unable to make it in the midst of the transition to the home. If anyone could please be a dear, and I will reimburse you the cost of the food if need be.

2) Remember to become a Follower. See the sidebar. It helps keep you up to date, and help me know I am writing for SOMEONE out there. ;) Thank you to all of those who have signed up so far.

And don't forget to move it today!

I start off with a new piece to this site: it is inspired. And it is one of the things that keeps me fighting to stay here as LONG AS I CAN, when I just want to lay down and rest.

Now to the year in review:

Xavier Rudd

Eddie Vedar - Big Hard Sun

Michael Franti and Spearhead "Say Hey I Love You"

Orien "Her Morning Elegance"

Chumbawumba - Tubthumping

Patty Griffin - "Heavenly Day"

Neil Gaiman - Blueberry Girl
While not "music" this inspiring book I gave to my daughter, as a special reminder to carry her through all stages and ages of her life, if I am not there to remind her personally at some point. (Sorry folks, I can be on chemo for years, but a cure MUST happen for me to be at her wedding, or hold my grandchild (who she promises to name Serenity for me)

Stevie Wonder - "Supersitous"

Xavier Rudd (again) - Yirra Curl

Muppets - Mannahmahnah

Natasha Bedingfield - Unwritten
You have to go to her website - no embedding allowed:

Michael Franit and Spearhead again! "A Little Bit of Riddim
A Little Bit Of Riddim feat. Cherine Anderson

Maddona and Justin Tmblerlake - "4 Minutes" because the riddim in this is just too hard to pass up and dance to. Brillantly done.Madonna - 4 Minutes

There is so much more music I use to keep the energy going on the hard days but they don't have videos: Google:
Stephan Mitchell
CSL Choir of Light Seattle
Monty Python Songs & Skits
