So, everyone who has called, and not gotten back an answer for a week. I apologize. Had some stomach issues earlier in the week, and then, I had the PET/CT to check on what was going on inside (see last post). I have been quiet. Wound up like a ball of yarn and holding my breath. I realized Sunday and had subtly closed myself off from the world and was just ....waiting.... would this be some shrunk, and some grew? Was that NEW pain a NEW tumor....was the back pain because it is was growing...or because I have been USING it more because they are GONE?
Good news! First Pet scans/CT are back, and it looks
realllllllllllllllllllly good! The doc started off with a huge smile
and said "These scans looks amazing!" and went on to say that in ALL
area, there has been (in the words of the scan doc who wrote the
report) "dramatic decrease in size" of all the sites! No bones tumors,
lymphs nodes to "scarce traces in a couple", the breast ones are only
very small traces, and the liver has dropped dramatically (one went
from 28 mm to 11) with ALL showing significant decreases. The spleen
is not looking like a cancercous tumor, but a benign one. In light of
all the others "dramatic" decrease, and not change or metabolic
activity, this small 2mm site appears benign. WEW!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That means at at least 3 months more chemo to keep pushing them down
into a remission state that is as small as possible. If things keep
going so well, she is open to not going on with chemo but changing
over to a hormonal therapy & Herceptin. I expressed the desire not to
beat my body down and keep it as strong as possible and use hormones
and Herceptin and natural therapies. WEW.
Is that the light at the end of tunnel!
Still will be doing chemo every week for another three months. So the
hard part isn't over yet, but at least we know is it ROCKING, and
telling these cancer cells they don't belong here. It is amazing. Even
the ones in the liver that are there are so no metabolic activity!
Can you say, I am a happy happy girl!
Even the stoic doc, was all smiles and....
When you called yesterday the tears flowed. I couldn't even verbally tell anyone I sent an email I was so overwhelmed with the GOOD NEWS.....One girl was so happy for you she about broke my ear drums in the phone. YEAH.
Can I say Thank you God for this good news and all you who prayed, sent the energy, well wishes and those watching out for my daughter and her family. Bless you.
Now the next 3 months will have a light at the end of the tunnel.
Still praying and sending healing happy thoughts out to you all.
Tell hubby he can breathe now!! Hug the Bug for us!
Love Mom & Gary
Jenna, I was so happy to hear this first from Jim yesterday and then in your email, and now here again! I am so thrilled! What a difference from that first desperate phone call from you a few months back! I'll be here for the entire ride and beyond -- please call on me for ANYTHING!
Yea, Jenna! So glad to hear your news.
Sending lots of love and healing, Sherri
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